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  • "Coming Together to Tackle Non-Communicable Diseases“

    Martin Bernhardt
    Ophra Rebiere

    Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, and mental disorders are the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. NCDs have emerged as a major public health threat over the last few decades and are now at a crisis point. It is estimated that these diseases are responsible for as many as 36 million premature deaths each year. According to the World Health Organization, almost three-quarters of NCD-related deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, where access to healthcare is limited.  more[...]

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  • Mica Supply Chain: No Place for Child Labor

    Gregor Hilkert

    The mineral mica often lends products their alluring sheen, whether it is lipstick, eye shadows, or automotive coatings. The coveted raw material is mined in various locations, including the states of Jharkhand and Bihar in northern India, a region marked by political instability and poverty and where child labor is widespread. Merck also uses mica as the main raw material for its effect pigments. The science and technology company flatly rejects child labor and advocates for safe working conditions of the mine workers. In addition, Merck supports educational and health projects that improve the lives of families in the mining areas.  more[...]

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  • Keeping Hope Afloat

    MAN SE

    Africa Mercy is the world’s largest civilian hospital ship and offers much-needed medical help to thousands of people in developing countries every year.  more[...]

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  • Integrating (Dis) Abilities

    Silvia Dobarganes Nodar

    At Eurofinsa, we are committed to a social environment in which our projects are carried out for society’s most vulnerable groups. We are committed to including persons with disabilities in our workforce as one way of putting our corporate values and social responsibility policy into practice. We are convinced that favoring vulnerable persons by integrating them into the workforce contributes to the economic and social development of both the individual and society as a whole.  more[...]

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  • CCC's Commitment to Sustainable Development

    Lila Angelopoulou
    Dimitra Ntalachani, CCC
    Consolidated Contractors Company

    We recognize that CCC’s long-term success is directly linked with the existence of a prosperous global society and a greener environment. Therefore, we are committed to understanding how our growth can better interact with the welfare and development of the communities, ecologies, and economies in which we operate. We aim to increasingly embed the principles of sustainable development into our business. We go about this by incorporating sustainability values into strategic planning, training, and stakeholder engagement as well as by intensifying the implementation of sustainability measures.  more[...]

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  • Overcoming Barriers to Address Energy Poverty


    Today, approximately 1.2 billion people in the world lack access to electricity. A further 1 billion people are connected to the grid but suffer from unreliable electricity levels. With a mission of bringing power to the energy poor, SkyPower is focused on the development of utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) energy projects to provide green, clean, and affordable electricity to developing and emerging nations around the world.  more[...]

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  • Stakeholder Engagement: A Key Strength for the Success of Our Projects

    EDF Group

    Consultation does not happen spontaneously. But without it, we believe that it would no longer be possible to imagine the smallest project – even more so if it is an industrial project and a host region needs to be found. Rather, what is needed is the willingness to create – through consensus – the conditions under which a project can be sustainable, in accordance with a region’s own development aims.  more[...]

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  • How to Be an Intrapreneur

    Perry Yeatman

    Every great innovation begins with an idea. Every great achievement requires a champion. Scientists. Explorers. Adventurers. Entrepreneurs.  more[...]

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    Perry  Yeatman
  • Standards und Audits

    Für Unternehmen ist es essentiell, über funktionierende Lieferanten zu verfügen, um auf dem internationalen Markt bestehen zu können. Auch wenn ein Unternehmen nicht die Fabriken besitzt, in denen die jeweiligen Produkte hergestellt werden, so hat es doch die Verantwortung, dass in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette menschenwürdige Arbeitsbedingungen herrschen. Neben regulären Qualitätsüberprüfungen werden so genannte Sozialaudits immer wichtiger, um Transparenz im Bereich Arbeits- und Menschenrechte in der Lieferkette herzustellen. Audits müssen als Teil der Unternehmensstrategie angesehen werden und deren Durchführung vertraglich mit den Lieferanten geregelt sein.  more[...]

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  • FEDA’s Strategy Through Stakeholder Participation

    Jennifer Dobarro Boyer, FEDA

    There is a “crystal ceiling” for yearly energy consumption of 2,400 GWh, double the current consumption. In order to reach this quantity, new hydroelectric, solar, Aeolic, and gas generation projects will have to be put into practice.  more[...]

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  • Portuguese Biodiversity: Challenges for REN

    João Gaspar, Redes Energéticas Nacionais (REN)

    One of the goals set out by REN (Redes Energéticas Nacionais) is to develop a more efficient, secure, and competitive energy system that provides everyone with energy at the lowest possible cost. However, the environment poses some of the greatest challenges.  more[...]

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